
  1. Strong passwords: Teach your kids to use strong and unique passwords for each account. Use a password manager!
  2. Enable multi-factor authentication: Add extra security by enabling multi-factor authentication.
  3. Update devices: Keep your devices & software up to date with the latest security patches.
  4. Use parental control software: Monitor (e.g. with software) your children’s activities to ensure they’re staying safe.
  5. Set limits: Determine appropriate screen time, online activities, and content based on age.

These aspects are all covered in more detail in the guidebook.



  1. Open Communication: Establish open communication on digital safety with your children, and encourage them to share concerns and experiences.
  2. Critical thinking: Teach your children them to evaluate online information and verify sources. Ensure they are aware that they will encounter people, websites, services etc who will try to manipulate them.
  3. Privacy matters: Show your children how to protect personal information and seek permission before sharing.
  4. Safe behavior: Educate your children to avoid suspicious links, interactions with strangers, and sharing personal information.
  5. Cyberbullying & etiquette: Discuss the consequences of cyberbullying and encourage respectful online behavior.
  6. Safe online gaming: Explain the risks within gaming and ensure they know how to report issues in online gaming.

Please see the guidebook for more details.


Stay Current

  1. Monitor social media: Stay involved - learn the platforms, monitor posts and watch interactions.
  2. Stay informed: understand what's going on and keep learning:
    1. Know popular apps, the devices themselves and websites.
    2. Understand risks and privacy settings on the devices and within the app/platform.
    3. Ensure you can configure your wifi router. Understand what it's capable of (e.g. when it’s being installed, talk with the technician to understand what’s possible).
  3. Review online friends: Periodically review your children's friend lists and educate on connecting with known people.

The guidebook discusses these points and provides practical examples.
